You Searched For: Transfer Membranes
41 results were found
See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars
See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars Barry Backpressure beaten back Pall Acrodisc® PSF wwPTFE syringe filters have been shown to extend column life by over 40X with no significant increases in backpressure. saving on column re...
Whatman™ Filters for Water, Air and Soil Testing
Whatman™ Filters for Water Air and Soil Testing Accurate and reliable analytical results are important when monitoring air water and soil for Environmental testing. GE knows that you need to be sure your filtration step is efficient reproducible a...
Matrigel® Matrix, ECMs and Scaffolds
Matrigel® Matrix ECMs and Scaffolds Corning® Matrigel® Matrix— making 3D Cell Culture easier than ever. Corning Ultra-Low Attachment surface a unique hydrogel surface designed to prevent cell attachment inhibits specific and nonspecific immobiliza...
Sterile Filtration
Sterile Filtration Featured Solutions Acroprep 24-well filter plates offer researchers a complete solution for their workflow needs from cell harvesting to final sample preparation for analysis Learn more Additional Resources Video Brochure Sample...
Permeable Support Systems
Permeable Support Systems Create in vivo -like cell culture environment using Transwell permeable supports to enhance cell growth for both anchorage-dependent and feeder-independent cell lines. Corning permeable supports are available in a variety...
Supelco® SmartChemicals to improve your titration process
Supelco® SmartChemicals to improve your titration process Supelco® SmartTitrants and Supelco® SmartStandards are Merck’s latest development in titration technology. RFID tags on the bottles of the chemicals are scanned by the Mettler Toledo titrat...
Supelco® 3S reagents for titration with Metrohm OMNIS
Supelco® 3S reagents for titration with Metrohm OMNIS 3S is an intelligent packaging solution protected with an originality seal. There is an automatic data transfer between the cap and the Metrohm OMNIS titrator using RFID (radio-frequency identi...
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) - Secure the Future - WTW, a Xylem brand
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) - Secure the Future - WTW a Xylem brand Intelligent: IDS sensors are smart. They log on automatically transfer description serial number calibration record and calibration history as well as their complete paramet...
Avantor single-use solutions videos
Videos OmniTop Assemblies Fluid Transfer Demo Avantor Single-Use Solutions
Avantor biopharma videos
Avantor biopharma videos mAbs scale up solutions Avantor single-use assurance of supply Avantor Seradigm OmniTop Assemblies Fluid Transfer Demo Avantor Single-Use Solutions J.T.Baker® Direct Dispense Solutions Cell & Gene Therapy Solutions Avantor...
Tuttnauer laboratory autoclaves, D-Line
Tuttnauer laboratory autoclaves D-Line Tuttnauer Tuttnauer has been manufacturing sterilisers for over 90 years. As a global leader in sterilisation and infection control solutions the Tuttnauer autoclaves are trusted by hospitals research institu...
Electronic Pipetting Systems
Electronic Pipetting Systems Enhance productivity with comfort and user flexibility by making Thermo Scientific™ electronic pipetting systems a necessity in every lab. The proven performance of index-finger pipetting action electronic tip ejection...
Liquid Handling
Liquid Handling Liquid handling is carried out in every laboratory from basic up to research applications. VWR offers a complete range of solutions for every need of: Applications and budget Safety (i.e. biological chemical or radioactive samples)...
VWR® OmniTop Sample Tubes®
VWR® OmniTop Sample Tubes® An innovative solution from our VWR bioprocessing division Any biopharmaceutical production requires frequent in-process sampling to confirm product integrity and conformance. To achieve this an accurate sample must be t...
VWR Custom Manufacturing Services
VWR Custom Manufacturing Services VWR enables the advancement of science by providing high-quality chemicals and services customized to your product or manufacturing needs. We use operational excellence to deliver solutions that enable research te...
Best practices for ergonomic pipetting
Best practices for ergonomic pipetting Webinar Tuesday 21st April 2020 11:00 to 12.00 CEST REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance This webinar presents an overview of pipetting ergonomics pipetting risk factors m...
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