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You Searched For: 6-Chloro-3-methylpyrimidin-4(3H)-one

464  results were found

Digital Intelligent Measurement for more Accuracy and Flexibility!

Digital Intelligent Measurement for more Accuracy and Flexibility! Initially pH measurement started with a reference electrode and a measuring cell. In time the combined electrode took over followed by the combined electrode with built-in temperat...

Refractometry & Polarimetry

Refractometry & Polarimetry Refractometry is one of the basic methods for quantitative analysis and quality assurance methods in food and beverage industry. Refractometers are frequently used by grape growers and sugar industry for Brix testing of...

Temperature Measurement & Data Logging

Temperature Measurement & Data Logging Temperature is one of the key measurements in the laboratory. VWR offers a choice from glass thermometers to the most sophisticated data loggers for wireless real-time monitoring. Accredited Thermometer & Dat...

The Big Time-Saver: Custom Single-Use Bioprocess Assemblies

The Big Time-Saver: Custom Single-Use Bioprocess Assemblies From pharmaceuticals to food and beverage to aerospace to manufacturing custom single-use assemblies are providing process solutions that work. A diagnostics and life sciences laboratory ...

Dissection Tools & Instruments

Dissection Tools & Instruments A selection from our extensive range of tools for dissection. Also check out our innovative heated forceps for easy handling of embedded samples. Product selection Dissection Sets Ideal for making sure that you've go...

VWR Library

VWR Library VWR Library is a mobile solution that provides one place for all your VWR catalogs and publications. The VWR Library lets you select a catalog, search the catalog, create bookmarks and even link to product information on Conve...

Aseptic Production Case Study

Aseptic Production Case Study NEED A molecular diagnostics market leader needed to accelerate manufacturing of its in vitro diagnostics (IVD) testing product for infectious and other genetic-based diseases. The current supplier couldn't meet quali...

Chiral Chromatography

Chiral Chromatography In many biological processes the activity of one member of an enantiomeric pair can be contrasted with the inactivity or even harmful activity of the other. The successful development of chiral stationary phases (CSPs) for HP...

Battery Cell, Module and Pack Assembly

Battery Cell Module and Pack Assembly Battery Cell Module and Pack Assembly Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Simply put cells modules and packs are units of gathered batteries. A cluster of cells make up a m...

Research & Development

R&D A strong and vibrant research and development function is the lifeblood of all industries. VWR will support you from the latest lifescience products to the guaranteed purity of organic building blocks. Weighing VWR offers a choice of micro and...


Hematology VWR supports haematology laboratories detecting abnormalities of the blood. One of the primary functions is to detect anaemia and diagnose the exact type. Other important aspects of routine haematology are the investigation of coagulati...


Microbiology The VWR specialist microbiology microsite has everything that the food microbiologist could need, from dehydrated to ready to use media, incubators and colony counters - bringing all your needs together in one place. There is an exten...

MarketSource Procurement & Sourcing Services

MarketSource Procurement & Sourcing Services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Discover Savings While Simplifying Your Supplier Network Countless organizations struggle with the burden of managing multip...

Industrial Safety

Industrial Safety The area of risks differ from one working place to another. Employers are often asked to develop elaborate safety concepts for their employees‘ personal protective equipment and workwear. Different criteria that are sometimes har...


Titration Titration is a technique that enables you to determines the precise concentration of everything. To practice you need a large range of products that VWR can provide you ; from classical glassware to automatic titrators including reagents...

brochure BRAND Inserts

High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...
81 - 96 of 464