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You Searched For: Cryogenic Vial Closures

128  results were found

Wide range of Pharma-grade sterilisation packaging (covers, pouches, bags, etc), made of Tyvek from Keystone

Wide range of Pharma-grade sterilisation packaging (covers pouches bags etc) made of Tyvek from Keystone Standardise the preparation of your equipment for sterilisation and save time and money. Big range of cleanroom masks bags pouches and covers ...

Dispenser for Cleanroom Wipes

Dispenser for Cleanroom Wipes Dispenser for cleanroom wipes are ideal for a clean storage of your wipe assortment and suitable for table dispensing (available in different sizes). basan chempump flasks assist with the dosing and storage of volatil...


COL06001-CFS-Aseptic-Filling-Brochure-02-26-18.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems Ready set connect: aseptic filling made easy 2 More confidence helps reduce risk Themo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ multilayer systems are designed for a variety of b...

Specimen Collection

Specimen Collection The integrity of specimen collection storage and transport ensures accurate timely and maybe even life saving results that can be relied upon. For specialist sample collection in cytology haematology etc. please consult the rel...

Liquid Chromatography - Analytical

Liquid Chromatography - Analytical High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) are among the most widely used techniques in the chemical and life sciences. Avantor equipment and products f...

Quantus Boot Covers

Quantus Boot Covers Features: Front Zipper Elastic band in the back with adjustable press studs Adjustable snap fastener at instep height Light grey plastic sole (Maestro) high sole model (robust waterproof autoclavable) Polyester band boost betwe...

Installation, Preventive Maintenance & Warranty Services

Installation Preventive Maintenance & Warranty Services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Providing a Carefree Equipment Lifecycle The after-sales care of your equipment is as important as the initial pu...


PG1698-PJT2892-COL05537-RO-SUT-RS-App-Note-Mesenchymal-stem-cells-CF-systems-Global-12-18-17.indd Abstract Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ systems are an effective format for the easy and rapid expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMS...

Maybridge Screening Compounds and Libraries

Maybridge Screening Compounds and Libraries The drug discovery process consists of different steps: Target validation Assay development High-Throughput Screening (HTS) Hit to lead (H2L) Lead Optimization Preclinical development Clinical developmen...

Sample Collection, P

Sample Collection, Preparation, Innoculation The best results come from great sample collection - select your tool of choice! Product selection Swabs A choice of swabs for all your microbiology applications Spatulas Range of sampling tools.... Spo...

Cold Storage & Cooling Solutions

Cold Storage & Cooling Solutions Avantor offers a full range of solutions and products for applications within Cold Storage and Cooling from market leading suppliers and Avantor’s laboratory cold storage equipment and supplies Avantor’s laboratory...


Projects Our Projects Team provides specialist support for customers' projects ranging from small systems to full-scale laboratory refurbishments. Our team have the experience to help you plan and deliver your project including the supply of high ...

@@NUMMER 8090145@@

@@NUMMER 8090145@@ Myco-4 For the treatment of Mycoplasma-infected cells Product code A8366 Description Contamination of cell cultures by mycoplasma is a common problem. Mycoplasma contamination causes biochemical changes as well as changes in the...

Final fill for recombinant proteins

Final fill for recombinant proteins Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepar...


Swabs Swabs are used to clean surfaces in the manufacturing areas which are critical yet and difficult to reach. They also have a valuable role especially in the pharmaceutical industry in the validation of the cleaning process. A wide range of sw...


Kotterman Köttermann takes the safety of everyone in the laboratory very seriously! This influences everything when discussing requirements with the customer; when developing the products and of course when commissioning and servicing products on ...
33 - 48 of 128