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182 results were found
Project Management
Project Management Our experienced professionally trained Project Managers follow a proven methodology to ensure problem free integrations that position our customers e-commerce initiatives for success. Your VWRI Integration Project Manager will c...
Leica Microsystems
Leica Microsystems Leica Microsystems develops and manufactures microscopes and scientific instruments for the analysis of microstructures and nanostructures. It is one of the market leaders in compound and stereo microscopy digital microscopy con...
Shopping List Upload Instructions
Shopping List Upload Instructions Upload a Shopping List: 1. Open the Shopping List Template File in Excel. There are 4 columns with headers: VWR Catalog # Unit of Measure Shopping List Name & Quantity. 2. On the line after the column headers ente...
Nucleic Acid Purification
Nucleic Acid Purification Featured Solutions Omega Bio-tek Inc. offers high quality convenient and cost-effective products for nucleic acid purification. Learn more cfDNA kits Additional Resources Sample Request Application Note- cfDNA 8ml samplea...
Cleaning and Disinfection
Cleaning and Disinfection All areas where contact with cytotoxic drugs may occur need to be regularly cleaned according to documented and approved procedures. Cleaning activities should only be executed by dedicated personnel that is being regular...
Production Chemicals
Production Chemicals From discovery to delivery Avantor is a global manufacturer and distributor of high quality products services and solutions to professionals in the life sciences and advanced technologies industries. We focus on the things tha...
Aerospace and Automotive
Aerospace and Automotive Avantor Aerospace and Automotive Avantor offers a wide-ranging line of products equipment and supplies to help the aerospace and automotive industries maintain the clean controlled environments that are necessary for many ...
Masterflex-Single Use Control Document 2011
Masterflex-Single Use Control Document 2011 NOTE: This informaon is proprietary and confidenal. Reproducon of this material without prior authorizaon from Cole-Parmer is prohibited. Scale Sheet Ref. Rev. NTS - 866 802-- 0579
Innovation supporting the Korean biopharmaceutical market
Innovation supporting the Korean biopharmaceutical market Avantor Suwon South Korea Innovation & Technology Center The Avantor Suwon South Korea Innovation & Technology Center focuses on optimizing biopharmaceutical purification processes for cust...
Semiconductor and Microelectronics
Semiconductor and Microelectronics Avantor Semiconductor and Microelectronics Avantor offers a wide range of products equipment and supplies that the semiconductor and microelectronics industries need to help maintain the clean controlled environm...
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) - Secure the Future - WTW, a Xylem brand
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) - Secure the Future - WTW a Xylem brand Intelligent: IDS sensors are smart. They log on automatically transfer description serial number calibration record and calibration history as well as their complete paramet...
Plasmid DNA Manufacturing
Plasmid DNA Manufacturing Plasmid DNA (pDNA) is the vital starting point to produce viral vectors for gene therapies and gene-modified cell therapies, and for mRNA vaccine and therapies, as well as being used as an API for non-viral gene therapy. ...
Tuttnauer laboratory autoclaves, D-Line
Tuttnauer laboratory autoclaves D-Line Tuttnauer Tuttnauer has been manufacturing sterilisers for over 90 years. As a global leader in sterilisation and infection control solutions the Tuttnauer autoclaves are trusted by hospitals research institu...
B2B Services
B2B Services VWR International offers business-to-business (B2B) e-procurement integration to extend and optimize control of your supply chain. Imagine one portal for a majority of your spend activities! VWR can bring a new level of automation and...
Managing your risk
Managing your risk Minimising the complexity of your supply chain security Offering reliable and transparent supply chain solutions is what we do best. Built on a foundation of supply chain innovation our goal is for our customers to have a consis...
Western Blot Imaging
Western Blot Imaging Featured Solutions VWR® Imager gel documentation and analysis systems are available in configurations suitable for fluorescence and chemiluminescence applications. Learn more Additional Resources Brochure
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