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You Searched For: Document Holders

182  results were found


Healthcare Avantor Healthcare Avantor serves the healthcare industry with equipment services and supplies for purposes that range from preventing hospital-acquired infection in surgical suites and patient care areas to protecting hospital pharmaci...


to protect your samples Everything you need Thermo Scientific Cold Storage Tubes and Accessories and decrease cost maximize storage space You can decrease the cost to store your samples by HALF simply by maximizing your storage space. The cost to ...

Asecos Q Line Type 90

20 principales raisons de choisir une armoire de sécurité Q-LINE type 90 1. Type Type 90 90 minutes minimum de résistance au feu en cas d’incendie 2. EN 14470-1 Norme de résistance au feu des armoires de sécurité pour le stockage de produits infla...

M-Clarity™ Programme

M-Clarity™ Programme To help you use all the investments Merck is making to help you with your quality assurance Merck has developed the M-Clarity™ programme. The programme provides a guide to quality and portfolio transparency. The programme impr...

Refractometry & Polarimetry

Refractometry & Polarimetry Refractometry is one of the basic methods for quantitative analysis and quality assurance methods in food and beverage industry. Refractometers are frequently used by grape growers and sugar industry for Brix testing of...

Cleanroom Stationery

Cleanroom Stationery Cleanroom notebooks and cleanroom sticky pads are made from cleanroom paper. The writing on both sides of the sheets possible. We remmonend our durable and resistant clipboards to faciliate the scribble of notes in your cleanr...

Quality Control Strategies in Biopharma

Quality Control Strategies in Biopharma Quality control strategies in biopharma encompass a comprehensive set of methodologies and practices that help ensure the safety efficacy and consistency of biopharmaceutical products. These strategies invol...

Compliance & Certification

Compliance & Certification Our company is certified in several ISO Standards related to Quality Environment as well as Health & Safety. These certifications are part of our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in quality. They are t...

Cleanroom Paper and Sticky Pads

Cleanroom Paper and Sticky Pads Cleanroom paper has a smooth surface (latex impregnated) with minimal particles and ions and this reduces possible contamination in cleanrooms and controlled environments. The cleanroom paper is lightly colored for ...

Detection & Quantitation

Detection & Quantitation Detection & Quantitation Accurate concentration and purity measurements of extracted DNA and RNA are key to ensure reproducibility and significance of experimental data. Our selection of spectrophotometers for both microvo...


2016_2D_StorageBrchure_v016.indd Thermo Fisher Scientifi c Automated Storage Solutions Next level storage ideal for enhanced sample tracking Accelerate processing while ensuring sample integrity with Thermo Scientifi c 2D barcoded tubes and equipm...

Merck Chemicals for Industry

Merck Chemicals for Industry Merck is the world leader in chemical analysis offering a broad range of high quality laboratory chemicals for all of your challenging applications. Working together with VWR gives a unique opportunity to obtain the hi...

Need help?

Need help? How can we help you? More information about: Easily find the answers to your questions. Whether you want to place an order request a quote or a failing in functionality we are at your disposal to give you the answers you need. My Profil...

Supported Protocols

Supported Protocols B2B CONNECTIVITY CXML (~~Punchout~~) Open Catalogue Interface (OCI 4.0) – (SAP Standard) STATIC CATALOGUE AND PRICE FILES BMECAT 1.2 Excel/Access .TXT .CIF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Electronic integration refers to the computer-to-c...

Integration with Biotech Customer Meets Bulk and Specialty Solution Requests

Integration with Biotech Customer Meets Bulk and Specialty Solution Requests Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge When a company’s ability to succeed relies on your ability to meet concept-to-mark...


Validation Brand independant calibration and adjustment of thermometers and data-loggers The VWR Validation Services utilises state-of-the-art laboratory equipment in the execution of all validation protocols to ensure accurate and reproducible re...
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