You Searched For: Microarray Plates
155 results were found
Automated Nucleic Acid Purification
Automated Nucleic Acid Purification J.T.Baker® high precision robotic tips and plates will help improve your analytical and diagnostic operations. J.T.Baker Robotic Tips J.T.Baker Plates Additional Resources Brochure Video Robotic Tips Sample Requ...
Microbial cultivation
Microbial cultivation Microbial cultivation is needed to propagate microorganisms before identification or analysis. Specific growth media are used that create ideal conditions for growing the microorganism of interest. Microbiology New Products S...
Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures
Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures In vitro 3D cell culture models are widely recognized as more physiologically relevant systems compared to 2D formats. The 3D models reflect more accurately the complex in vi...
brochure BRAND Inserts
High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...
ECMs & Coatings
ECMs & Coatings Featured Solutions Cells behave better on Corning Matrigel matrix - the original trusted extracellular matrix (ECM). The natural ECM-based hydrogel is among the most widely used models for 2D and 3D cell culture in vitro. More info...
Introduction The SpectraMax® ABS Microplate Reader bridges the gap between the affordability of filter-based readers and the flexibility of monochromator-based systems. The SpectraMax ABS Plus Microplate Reader can run both cuvette-based and micro...
Performance level 1: Everyday analysis, Chromatography approved
Performance level 1: Everyday analysis Chromatography approved Meet your chromatographic needs Choose the right vial for chromatographic analyses. Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ Performance level 1 products are designed for everyday chromatography ...
Cleanroom Furniture
Cleanroom Furniture Space is at a premium in cleanrooms where every square metre is expensive. As a result there are no standard solutions and no standard sizes. The stainless steel cleanroom furniture which is electrically conductive consists of ...
PG1702-PJT2232-COL05448-Protein-Quantification-TechNote-Gobal.indd TECHNICAL NOTE NanoDrop One/OneC and Multiskan Sky spectrophotometers A theoretical and practical guide for spectrophotometric determination of protein concentrations at 280 nm of ...
Microbiology and Hygiene Testing
Microbiology and Hygiene Testing In Microbiology, all the VWR media products are produced using high quality raw materials and are subject to strict quality controls in a production environment following Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines. The...
Sterile Filtration
Sterile Filtration Featured Solutions Acroprep 24-well filter plates offer researchers a complete solution for their workflow needs from cell harvesting to final sample preparation for analysis Learn more Additional Resources Video Brochure Sample...
Life sciences and microbiology
Life sciences and microbiology Our VWR range includes a broad selection of products for proteomics genomics cell culture microbiology and more all designed to help you explore new frontiers. Here we provide access to a reliable supply of exception...
How to load tubing into Masterflex L/S standard pump heads
How to load tubing into Masterflex L/S standard pump heads To view this video please enable JavaScript and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Video Summary Video demonstrating how to propely load Silicone and Tygon Lab t...
From Cell to Therapy
From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow From Research to Production A deep understanding of pathological and therapeutic mechanisms at a cellular and molecular level is key for the discovery and use of drugs. By providing solutions...
Performance level 2: High-throughput analysis, When robustness and reproducibility are key
Performance level 2: High-throughput analysis When robustness and reproducibility are key Be compliant-ready for your high-throughput samples in regulated environments Choose Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ Performance level 2 products to ensure hig...
PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation ©2015 For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Trademarks mentioned herein are property of Molecular Devices LLC or their respective owners. High-Throughput Assays for Characterizing the Viability and Mo...
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