You Searched For: Oil Baths
106 results were found
Capacity and Volume Conversion
Capacity and Volume Conversion Convert units of Capacity and Volume instantly. Choose from 76 different units including cubic meter cubic kilometer cubic decimeter cubic centimeter cubic millimeter liter exaliter petaliter teraliter ... From: To: ...
Equipment When installing or refurbshing your new laboratory you will also need peripheral equipment such as dishwashers water purification systems vacuum systems laminar flow... etc When planned in advance you can easily integrate them into the d...
Liquid Pumps—Viscosity Handling Characteristics
Liquid Pumps—Viscosity Handling Characteristics Pumping viscous liquids can present some difficult problems. When selecting a pump fluid viscosity must always be considered. The effects of viscosity can be better understood by looking at the behav...
Ultrasonic Baths
Ultrasonic Baths Ultrasonic cleaning is the most appropriate process for delicate items. This cleaning technique uses ultrasound (usually from 15–400 kHz). Efficient cleaning is due to the”Cavitation” phenomenon which generates in the solution a “...
Huber products
Huber products Huber Circulating cooling thermostats Minichillers with OLÉ controller The compact Minichillers inspire as an economic and environmentally-friendly cooling solution for many laboratory applications. The OLÉ controller combines state...
Heating Circulators
Heating Circulators VWR heating circulators Stainless steel circulating baths with Advanced Programmable or Advanced Digital temperature controller. Variable speed pump with external circulation and temperature control capability. Lauda heating th...
VWR Products
VWR Products VWR Circulating chillers These circulating chillers are an environmentally friendly water-conserving and reliable means of controlling the temperature of liquids in open tanks or closed loop systems VWR Refrigerated circulating baths ...
Grant products
Grant products Grant Water baths and cooling/heating circulators stainless steel Optima™ The Grant Optima™ range consists of both general purpose and advanced performance thermostats combined with premium stainless steel baths. Pump for external c...
Cooling & Heating Circulators
Cooling & Heating Circulators VWR refrigerated/heated circulators Stainless steel circulating baths with choice of Advanced Programmable or Advanced Digital temperature controller. Variable speed pump with external circulation and temperature cont...
Reliable laboratory equipment
Reliable laboratory equipment Because your samples are precious our laboratory equipment is designed to deliver unwavering performance. Our VWR range of ovens incubators centrifuges shakers ULT freezers hot plates and more are built to be robust d...
Heating & Cooling
Heating & Cooling For a wide variety of temperature control tasks. Product selection Water Baths (Without Stirring) Standard everyday use water baths safe for your samples and safe for the user... Circulators Circulators for more demanding tempera...
Edible Oils & Fat Analysis
Edible Oils & Fat Analysis From the checking of rancidity in cooking oils to the content of fats in food with the soxhlet method VWR offer a solution. Product selection VWR Chemicals Reagents The AnalaR NORMAPUR range provides a comprehensive solv...
Julabo products
Julabo products Julabo Heating Immersion thermostats CORIO™ C The CORIO™ C immersion thermostat is the basic model it is ideal for standard internal applications Julabo Heating circulators polycarbonate baths CORIO™ C-BT The CORIO™ C immersion cir...
Lauda products
Lauda products Lauda Circulating chillers Microcool Range of circulation chillers includes five compact models providing cooling capacities from 025 to 12 kW for external applications. The units are ideal for use where heat needs to be dissipated ...
Refrigerated Thermostats/Circulators
Refrigerated Thermostats/Circulators Featured Products Julabo Recirculating coolers F series Environmentally friendly recirculating coolers designed for simple external cooling applications where reliable continuous operation is important. Learn m...
Cooling Circulators and Chillers
Cooling Circulators and Chillers VWR refrigerated circulating baths with MX temperature controller Stainless steel baths with user friendly MX temperature controller. Can also be used for external closed loop circulation. Cool Command technology r...
1 - 16 of 106