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You Searched For: Pharmacy+Fume+Hoods

65  results were found

Fume Hoods

Fume Hoods The fume cupboard plays a fundamental role in the overall safety of the lab. It actively protects the operator from the risk of inhaling toxic chemical substances and dramatically reduces the risk of fire and explosion thanks to its dil...

Furniture Products

Furniture Products VWR are happy assist you in planning the perfect laboratory environment from design to installation. Click further in for more information on how we can help plan design and install the laboratory that meets your requirements an...

Ductless Fume Hoods

Ductless Fume Hoods Ductless recirculating fume hoods are an alternative to fumes cupboard when it is not possible to build an extraction circuit from internal to external. These fume hoods are equipped with filtration technology that is specific ...

Autoprotect by Kotterman

Autoprotect by Kotterman Autoprotect from Kottermann for the active protection of laboratory personnel. The fumes hood's clever design and closes the sash automatically when the operator is leaving the working station. AutoProtect provides active ...

Chemical Handling and Storage

Chemical Handling and Storage Below find a wide selection of chemical storage solutions safety cans and bottle carriers. To find additional safety storage cabinets fume hoods ductless fume hoods laminar air flow systems and more visit our Furnitur...

Advanced Battery Science – Equipment & Instruments

Advanced Battery Science – Equipment & Instruments Advanced Battery Science- Equipment & Instruments Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Avantor distributes a myriad of laboratory and process equipment and inst...

Distillation & Digestion

Distillation & Digestion From fully automatic systems to the creation of your own design. Product selection Fume Hoods No one wants to be doing this kind of work in an open lab... Stands Clamps etc. VWR offer an extensive range of of constructiona...


IQ/OQ/PQ Brand-independant qualification service for your compliance Our IQOQ and PQ qualification and validation services help you to become and stay in compliance with FDA GMP/GLP European Pharmacopoeia and ISO-standards. This service ensures th...

Installation, Preventive Maintenance & Warranty Services

Installation Preventive Maintenance & Warranty Services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Providing a Carefree Equipment Lifecycle The after-sales care of your equipment is as important as the initial pu...

Isolator Cleaning

Isolator Cleaning Cleaning of Compounding Aseptic Isolators (CAIS) and ClassII Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCS) Compounding Aseptic Isolators and Class II biological safety cabinets are used in hospital pharmacies and other dispensing facilities ...

Regulatory requirements for the sterile production of cytotoxic drugs

Regulatory requirements for the sterile production of cytotoxic drugs The sterile preparation of highly potent products of potentially hazardous substance demands particular responsibility both for the product itself but also for the people who co...

Asecos Safety Cabinets

Asecos Safety Cabinets The different types of safety cabinet Q-Line: Safety cabinets for flammables Q-Line safety cabinets store all your flammable products. For example: Acetone dichloromethane cyclohexane diethyl ether ethanol hexane xylene prop...

Disposable Hoods

Disposable Hoods Disposable hoods and caps for cleanrooms and controlled environments are available in different versions: Nonwoven hoods peaked caps Tyvek Open Face Hoods (also as sterile version). Product selection Hoods Please choose from a lis...

Quantus Garments

Quantus Garments Based on our longterm experience we have developed further fabrics providing different characteristics (for specific cleanroom applications with splash guard flame protection cut resistance ESD properties etc.). Please ask which m...

Masterflex® Pump Decreases the Risk of Heavy Metal Exposure from Masterflex

Masterflex® Pump Decreases the Risk of Heavy Metal Exposure Mercury a highly reactive and toxic substance can damage the central nervous system kidneys lungs and brain when one is exposed to high enough doses. Mercury poisoning may trigger symptom...

Disposable Cleanroom Garments

Disposable Cleanroom Garments Disposable garments are designed and manufactured from lightweight low-linting and durable material providing an excellent combination of both comfort and protection. basan provides the full range of disposables for c...
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