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You Searched For: Tanks

40  results were found

Biopharma workflow solutions

Biopharma workflow solutions Connect with us for single-use simplicity Get the convenience of our industry-leading expertise, comprehensive product offerings and custom assemblies for complete workflows Get your single-use bioprocess workflows up ...

Science as a Service

Science as a Service Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Scientists Helping Scientists Life science companies face increasing demand to deliver innovation and value. As scientists strive to maximize the va...

Présentation PowerPoint

Présentation PowerPoint Advanced CHO Cell Expression System for Increased Transient Protein Production 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 24 48 72 96 120 V ia b ili ty ( % ) V ia b le C el l D en si ty ( x1 0 6 ce lls /m L) Time (h) Viable Cell D...

Bürkle GmbH – Bring Your Sampling To The Next Level

Bürkle GmbH – Bring Your Sampling To The Next Level Your expert in sampling helps you to find solutions for the most diverse of applications and highest demands. Optimise your sampling with our sampling solutions. When taking samples a random test...

Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing and Commercialization

Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing and Commercialization Cell and gene therapy manufacturing and commercialization are advancing rapidly due to the potential to improve how we treat various diseases and the outcomes of those treatments. While cel...


2016_2D_StorageBrchure_v016.indd Thermo Fisher Scientifi c Automated Storage Solutions Next level storage ideal for enhanced sample tracking Accelerate processing while ensuring sample integrity with Thermo Scientifi c 2D barcoded tubes and equipm...

The Advantages of Single-Use Systems in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

The Advantages of Single-Use Systems in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Single-use systems have revolutionized biopharmaceutical manufacturing offering numerous advantages over traditional stainless steel systems. This article explores the benefit...

Monoclonal Antibody Production Processes

Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing Processes The monoclonal antibody manufacturing process plays an important role in producing therapeutic antibodies widely used in treating diseases such as cancer autoimmune disorders and other infectious disease...
33 - 40 of 40