You Searched For: UV\/Visible Spectrophotometers
194 results were found
UV/VIS spectroscopy
UV/VIS spectroscopy UV/Vis analysis with a spectrophotometer can require different types of chemicals. First a specific grade of solvents is developed to avoid optical impurities of your sample. Second the spectrophotometer needs to be calibrated ...
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analysis
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analysis The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of water is determined by dichromate method after digestion. VWR offers 2 solutions to measure COD: Rapid method Official method COD Rapid Method Merck COD Rapid Method Merck A...
Upgrade your spectrophotometer from absorbance to sample quantification and kinetics study with NanoCuvette™ One
Upgrade your spectrophotometer from absorbance to sample quantification and kinetics study with NanoCuvette™ One Webinar Thursday 1st July 2021 15:30 to 16:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of...
~~Molecular Spectroscopy~~
Molecular Spectroscopy Avantor Molecular Spectroscopy Avantor offers a wide range of spectroscopes equipment products and supplies that analysts in your laboratory need every day to help them to identify and measure the composition of samples or o...
Virus Detection
Virus Detection To aide our research community in finding a solution to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic our internal scientists are engaged with our supplier communities to identify and source solutions covering the complete workflow of the virus d...
Spectrophotometers Spectrophotometers are widely used in many research QC and pharmaceutical labs for applications within chemistry biochemistry life science water analysis plus food and beverage. Our products offer quality and great value for mon...
Hach Fast Analysis
Hach Fast Analysis Hach's broad range of instrumentation and chemistries have been carefully crafted for more than 80 years to make water analysis better faster simpler and greener. Fast analysis with Cuvette compared to Reagents Take 3 minutes of...
Just PROVE it
Just PROVE it Spectroquant® Prove - simplify water analysis with a new class of spectrophotometer New range of instruments designed to meet all your requirements for water analysis - wastewater process water or drinking water and beverages. Reques...
SpectroLink™: Streamline your spectrophotometer workflow and save valuable time and thousands of Euros on new equipment
SpectroLink™: Streamline your spectrophotometer workflow and save valuable time and thousands of Euros on new equipment Webinar Tuesday 16th May 2023 10:00 to 11:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certific...
Spectroscopy Find a wide and growing range of spectrophotometers and biophotometers adapted to your needs. Procure also others instruments reagents cuvettes for all your associated applications. Explore more Standards for spectrophotometer calibra...
Spectrophotometry VWR offer a large and growing range of spectrophotometers for all applications. Product selection Biophotometers A choice of models largely for rapid and reliable analysis of DNA, RNA, oligonucleotides, proteins and bacterial cel...
Nucleic acid quantitation and analysis using the QuickDrop Spectrophotometer | Molecular Devices
Nucleic acid quantitation and analysis using the QuickDrop Spectrophotometer | Molecular Devices Benefits • Minimal sample usage as little as 0.5 µL • Accurate DNA Quantitation from 1.0 ng/µL to 2500 ng/µL • LCD touchscreen for stand-alone experim...
PG1702-PJT2232-COL05448-Protein-Quantification-TechNote-Gobal.indd TECHNICAL NOTE NanoDrop One/OneC and Multiskan Sky spectrophotometers A theoretical and practical guide for spectrophotometric determination of protein concentrations at 280 nm of ...
Cphnano Upgrade and expand the functionality of your existing spectrophotometer - digital laboratory analysis and next generation UV/Vis for lab 4.0. NanoCuvettes™ unlock the full potential of a spectrophotometer and SpectroWorks™ optimises and au...
Colorimetry/Photometry VWR offers a large choice of systems to measure the different elements of water: Test strips visual kits portable colorimeters and photometers bench photometers and spectrophotometers. Spectrophotometry UV VIS Spectrophotome...
Hichrom Catalogue 9
Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: Catalo...
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