Chromatography tubing, PFA, Upchurch Scientific®

1500 1507L 1509L 1512L 1514L 1622L 1632L 1641L 1642L 1642XL 1645L 1645XL 1902L 1907L 1912L 1921L 1933
UPCH1500EA 54.5 EUR
UPCH1500 UPCH1507L 554-2957 UPCH1512L 554-2958 UPCH1622L UPCH1632L 554-2990 UPCH1642L UPCH1642XL UPCH1645L UPCH1645XL UPCH1902L UPCH1907L UPCH1912L UPCH1921L UPCH1933
Chromatography tubing, PFA, Upchurch Scientific®
Tubing Chromatography Tubing
PFA tubing, standard.

  • Recommended operating temperature is up to 80 °C
  • Refractive index is 1,340
  • Offers higher purity and enhanced translucence when compared with other fluoropolymer tubing's

PFA tubing offers excellent chemical resistance similar to FEP and PTFE, while offering several other advantages: lower gas permeability, smoother surface texture, higher continuous service temperature and superior polymer purity. This tubing is also virtually transparent for viewing fluid movement. Tolerance ext/int. Ø for ¹/₁₆" ext. Ø PFA tubing is ±0,001", while the ext/int. Ø tolerance for ¹/₈" ext. Ø PFA tubing is ±0,003".

PFA tubing, high purity.

This medical grade polymer tubing is manufactured from a premium grade of PFA - one of the most contaminant-free polymers on the market. This makes it an excellent choice where a thermoplastic material is required that also offers chemical stability, mechanical strength and purity, such as medical, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and semiconductor applications. High purity PFA is an excellent replacement for PTFE where gas permeability, surface texture and inertness are issues. This tubing is also virtually transparent for viewing fluid movement. Tolerance ext/int. Ø for ¹/₈" ext. Ø high purity PFA tubing is ±0,003".

PFA tubing, high purity 'Plus'

High purity 'Plus' offers all the benefits of standard PFA and then some. Manufactured from one of the most contaminant-free polymers available, this tubing offers purity in the parts per billion - perfect for applications in medical, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and semiconductor industries. Besides having the purity of standard high purity PFA, high purity 'Plus' can withstand repeated flexing, and it resists stress cracking when exposed to aggressive fluoro surfactants. Furthermore, it offers even smoother, cleaner walls, minimising light refraction and enhancing the optical clarity of the material. Tolerance ext/int. Ø for ¹/₁₆" ext. Ø PFA tubing is ±0,001", while the ext/int. Ø tolerance for ¹/₈" ext. Ø PFA tubing is ±0,003".
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