DuraSleeve® Wire Marking Inserts for M610, M611, BMP61, M710, and BMP71

Supplier: Brady
176281 176286 176287 176280
BRDY176281EA 300 EUR
BRDY176281 BRDY176286 BRDY176287 BRDY176280
DuraSleeve® Wire Marking Inserts for M610, M611, BMP61, M710, and BMP71
DuraSleeve® polypropylene inserts (B-390) are printable, rigid inserts designed to be printed and affixed to a wire using extruded, clear PVC wire marking carriers.

  • Inserts are supplied roll form formatted for thermal transfer printing on the M610 label printer and benchtop printers
  • B-390 material meets the requirements of a halogen-free material per DIN VDE 0472 part 815
  • Service temperature of –40 to 100° C (–40 to 212° F)
  • Matte finish

Use these wire marking inserts for data and telecommunications labelling, electrical labelling, or wire and cable labelling.

Brady authentic materials work seamlessly with Brady printers for improved printer and material communication, seamless mobile app interaction, and better performance and reliability. A ribbon is required to print this material. Use Brady part number M61-R6010 for the M610 label printer/M611 label printer, or M7-R6000 for the M710 label printer. This label is no longer compatible with TLS Series printers.

Certifications: Halogen-free (DIN VDE 0472/part 815).

Packaging: Wire marking inserts are packaged 3000 inserts per box. Wire Marking Inserts with media adapter are packaged 300 inserts per roll.
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