Welding Bags, Backpacks, and Pouches

Supplier: 3M
H790101 790105
MMMAH790101EA 196 EUR
MMMAH790101 MMMA790105
Welding Bags, Backpacks, and Pouches
Welding Supplies
Safely carry and store welding equipment with Speedglas™ carry products.

  • Protect welding respiratory systems from scratches with equipment bags
  • Models available for Speedglas™ welding helmets, powered respirators, and other parts and products

To effectively store or carry 3M™ Speedglas™ welding equipment, options are available for welding equipment storage including bags and pouches. Welding bags and pouches are designed to store welding helmets and powered air respirators when not in use, protecting the equipment from dirt and scratches. Backpacks are available to enable the wearing of a powered air respirator on the back, rather than the waist, which can aid wearer comfort.
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