SpectroMembrane® Thin-Film Sample Support Window Frames

3020 3012 3022-5 3021-5
CHPX3020EA 129 EUR
CHPX3020 CHPX3012 CHPX3022-5 CHPX3021-5
SpectroMembrane® Thin-Film Sample Support Window Frames
Sample Containers XRF Sample Cups
SpectroMembrane® Thin-film sample support carrier frames consist of a thin-film sample support substance attached to a frame that serves as a carrier.

  • No waste
  • No wrinkles
  • No static cling
  • No contamination

In affixing a thin-film substance to an XRF Sample Cup, the thin-film material is not directly handled and a contamination possibility is completely eliminated. Nearing or at the completion of attachment, the thin-film automatically detaches from the carrier frame leaving a taut wrinkle-free sample support window.

Etnom® was the first thin-film substance to chemically resist attack by aliphatic and especially aromatic hydrocarbons and have the unique characteristic of contracting when exposed to petrochemical hydrocarbons. This unique characteristic allows the thin-film to remain taut when exposed to samples containing these hydrocarbons and maintain a consistent taut flat sample support window plane during the entire integration time of analysis. Ideally suitable for sulfur analysis in aliphatic and particularly aromatic hydrocarbons.

Mylar® thin-film was the only substance used in the XRF spectrochemical field and supplied only in roll form. With the passage of time, Chemplex® introduced the expansion of the Mylar® product line to include additional gauges and all other forms of physical presentation such as pre-cut square sheets, pre-cut circles, perforated pre-cut squares in rolls and recently in SpectroMembrane® Carrier Frames. Mylar® is a relatively good thin-film substance for general purpose aqueous sample solution containment. It has an excellent sample retention tensile strength. It is not suitable for containing aliphatic alcohols, alkalies, esters, aromatic hydrocarbons and keytones.

Prolene® thin-film is a two constituent element combination of carbon and hydrogen. The light carbon and hydrogen element constituents together with gauge thickness translate into mass attenuation coefficients providing high % Transmittance values, an advantage for investigating the less energetic (KeV) analyte spectral lines in low element concentrations. Prolene® represents a good general purpose thin-film for most chemical solution samples except for those consisting of ethers or aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons. It also is characterized with a relatively high sample retention tensile strength for safely containing samples in their sample cups.

Polypropylene thin-film is available in 6,0 and 12,0 µm in SpectroMembrane® Carrier Frames. The thin-film serves a dual purpose; it is noted for its high % Transmittance for the lighter elements in low to medium concentration ranges and exceptional transmittance for the heavier element spectral lines. Reportedly, the thicker 6,0 and 12,0 µm gauges are more preferable for retaining some samples and applications that demand an extraordinary higher level of security against inadvertent thin-film rupture.

Zythene® thin-film is chemically resistant to petrochemicals and, unlike any other thin-film, is also capable to contract upon contact with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. This particular trait is responsible for establishing and maintaining taut sample support window planes during the entire integration time of analysis. Adding this unique quality to the unusually high sample retention tensile strength of Zythene®, samples are safely contained in their sample cups with a rare likelihood of rupture. Coincidentally, 6,0 µm Zythene® exhibits a similar mass attenuation coefficient to 6,0 µm Mylar®. This implies the % Transmittance of 6,0 µm Zythene® and 6,0 µm Mylar® is similar and the expectant element spectral-line intensities are also similar. However, this similarity does not negate the need for cursory calibration verification. 6,0 µm Zythene® is limited in availability only to SpectroMembrane® Carrier Frames.

Our 7,5 µm Kapton® thin-film available from Chemplex® exhibits similar properties as the previous traditionally used type: 7,5 µm gauge, high sample retention tensile strength, equivalent % Transmittance values of x-rays, chemical resistance and melting points. The difference between the other Kapton® films and the Chemplex® 7,5 µm Kapton® thin-film is 'it is not subject to the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).' Reportedly, an unknown slight difference between the ITAR controlled and the new 7,5 µm Kapton® thin-film may affect the reliance on previously established calibration data. Chemplex® suggests judiciously re-examining this issue for verification prior to implementing an analytical program.
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