Standard conical ground joints

Supplier: Lenz Laborglas GmbH & CO.KG
01100105 01100107 01100110 01100112 01100114 01100119 01100124 01100129 01100134 01100140 01100145 01100150 01100155 01100160 01100171 01100205 01100207 01100210 01100212 01100214 01100219 01100224 01100229 01100234 01100240 01100245 01100250 01100255 01100260 01100271 01100329 01100340 01100350 01100629 01100707 01100729 01101001 01101002 01100285 01100314 01100319 01100324 01100345 01101444 01100310 01100619 01100307 01100312 01100614 01100714 01101005 01101007 01101011 01101201 01101203 01100334 01100185 01100355 01100360 01100371 01100385 01100419 01100424 01100429 01100514 01100519 01100524 01100529 01100605 01100607 01100610 01100612 01100624 01100705 01100710 01100712 01100719 01100724 01100814 01100819 01100824 01100829 01101202 01101204 01101205 01101411 01101414 01101422
1100105.EA 18.9 EUR
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Standard conical ground joints
Adapters Adapters, Conical Ground Joints
DURAN®, borosilicate glass, clear.

  • Leakproof
  • Minimal requirement for joint lubrication
  • Joints cannot be misaligned

Socket and cone joints with fused edges. Excellent chemical resistance. High temperature resistance. Minimal thermal expansion giving high resistance to temperature changes.

DIN 12242 Form E (Socket joints)

DIN 12242 Form B (Cone joints)

ISO 383

Certifications: DIN 12242 Form E (Socket joints), DIN 12242 Form B (Cone joints), ISO 383.
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