ABsolute™ qPCR Low ROX Mixes

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific

AB-1318/B AB-1319/A AB-1322/B AB-1323/A
733-0384EA 2195 EUR
733-0384 733-0385 733-0392 733-0393
ABsolute™ qPCR Low ROX Mixes
Nucleic Acid Reagents qPCR/RT-qPCR Enzymes and Kits

ABsolute™ qPCR low ROX mixes are optimised for use with real time instruments that are able to detect long wavelength dyes with greater sensitivity, such as the ABI 7500. The lower level of ROX still facilitates normalisation across the plate, while maintaining the sensitivity of the assay. The mixes contain all the components necessary to perform quantitative PCR, with the exception of template and primers/probes. The 2X qPCR mix contains a proprietary reaction buffer that provides high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility.

  • Contains hot start enzyme Thermo-Start® DNA polymerase for increased specificity and optimised buffer for maximum sensitivity
  • Excellent reproducibility, with all batches undergoing extensive quality control to ensure batch-to-batch and assay-to-assay consistency
  • Optimised buffer specifically designed for real time instruments that are able to detect long wavelength dyes with greater sensitivity

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