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Supplier: Biotium
Description: Nitric oxide donors, nitric oxide synthase inhibitors and nitric oxide detection reagents and kits for nitric oxide (NO) studies.

Description: Optimised and efficient cDNA synthesis and probe-based qPCR in a single tube.

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Catalog Number: (1.12979.0001)
Supplier: Merck
Description: Simple reagent kits, used in food analysis, that use colour chemistry to determine levels of protein and fibre. Please note these kits require the use of a photometer or spectrophotometer.
UOM: 1 * 100 Tests

Catalog Number: (AGLS600584)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Polyadenylation of miRNA from total RNA and synthesis of first-strand cDNA from tailed miRNAs.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Brilliant II QPCR and QRT-PCR reagents were developed for improved sensitivity of detection, ensuring reproducible quantification even at low target concentrations.

Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: The Swift™ Western Diluent is a solution that reduces the blocking and antibody incubations on Western blot membranes to <60 minutes. Swift™ Western Diluent generates comparable results to traditional Western blotting procedures and other commercial “fast” Western blotting kits.

Catalog Number: (EDVO315)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Southern blotting is an important technique used widely in clinical genetics and research. By transferring DNA from an agarose gel onto a membrane the method allows the precise analysis and identification of DNA bands on a gel. Using this kit, students use Southern blotting to find a point mutation in the haemoglobin gene indicating Sickle Cell Anaemia.
UOM: 1 * 1 items


Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: Pierce™ TMT™ Isobaric Mass Tagging kits and reagents enable multiplex quantitation of proteins extracted from cells and tissues using tandem mass spectrometry. The Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) reagent family consists of TMTduplex and TMTsixplex sets which are specially designed to enable a rapid and cost-effective transition from method development to high-throughput protein quantitation.

Catalog Number: (ENZOENZ42670)
Description: CGH labelling kit for BAC arrays has been optimised to label DNA for dual sample comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) assays on BAC arrays. It is suitable for the preparation of cyanine 3- and cyanine 5-labelled DNA for hybridisation to BAC arrays.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

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Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: The picoLUCENT™ PLUS-HRP kit is based on an ultra sensitive luminol substrate that produces chemiluminescence upon reaction with horseradish peroxidase. The chemiluminescence light emission can be recorded by a short exposure to autoradiography films.

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The original QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kits speed up and simplify site-directed mutagenesis studies. The kits eliminate the need for sub-cloning into M13-based bacteriophage vectors and for ss-DNA rescue. This allows oligo-mediated introduction of site-specific mutations into virtually any double-stranded plasmid DNA. In addition, the XL version of the kit is specially designed for efficient mutagenesis of large (4 to 14 kb) or otherwise difficult-to mutagenise plasmid templates. The XL kit features components specifically designed for more efficient DNA replication and bacterial transformation.

Supplier: Quantabio
Description: qScript™ One-Step SYBR® Green qRT-PCR Kits reliably deliver maximum qRT-PCR efficiency, sensitivity and specificity in with a simplified protocol. These kits offer reliable and unbiased amplification of all RNA targets regardless of abundance. The proprietary supermix maximises activities of both reverse transcriptase and AccuStart™ <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase without compromising specificity of amplification. qScript™ One-Step SYBR® Green qRT-PCR kits are available and optimised for all real-time PCR instrument platforms including those requiring normalisation with ROX reference dye.
Catalog Number: (733-1903)
Supplier: Quantabio
Description: These kits offer a convenient and highly sensitive solution for Real-Time reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) of RNA templates using hybridisation probe detection chemistries, such as TaqMan® 5'-hydrolysis probes.
UOM: 1 * 500 Assays

Supplier: Molecular Devices
Description: The ScanLater™ Western Blot Assay Kits are a time-resolved fluorescence (TRF)-based assay, optimal for quantitating as little as femtogram protein samples.

Catalog Number: (MAG-FRAG-I-5)
Supplier: Corning
Description: The AxyPrep™ FragmentSelect Kits utilise a paramagnetic bead technology for quick high throughput optimised DNA size selection suitable for various next generation sequencing platforms. The AxyPrep™ FragmentSelect-I kit is optimised for Illumina next generation sequencing platforms and Life Technologies (SOLiD™) fragment size selection needs simplifying the library construction workflow.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Supplier: Merck
Description: Complete sets for digestion in a thermoreactor. The subsequent determination can be carried out in Spectroquant® test cells or reagent test sets. Crack Sets are easy to use and make sample preparation straightforward. For the preparation of dirty, coloured or samples with high levels of suspended material prior to using the appropriate Spectroquant® kit.
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