You Searched For: qPCR+Assays

35 068  results were found

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Description: Plate, qPCR, Real-time PCR, PCR Clean, Eppendorf twin.tec®, PP, Well colour: White, Frame colour: Blue, No. of wells: 96, Semi-skirted
Catalog Number: 732-2369
UOM: 1 * 25 items

Environmentally Preferable

Description: dNTP Mix
Catalog Number: 733-1271
UOM: 1 * 1.000 µl
Supplier: Quantabio

Description: —, Microplate seal, Adhesive film/foil/tape (96/384 wells), Single sheet/mat/strip, PCR film, self-adhesive, PCR clean, PCR film, self adhesive; Transparent; visually monitor samples, Non sterile
Catalog Number: 713-0005
UOM: 1 * 100 items

Description: —, Microplate seal, Adhesive film/foil/tape (96/384 wells), Single sheet/mat/strip, PCR foil, self-adhesive, PCR clean, PCR foil, self adhesive; Easily pierced; ideal for automated systems, Pierceable, Non sterile
Catalog Number: 713-0006
UOM: 1 * 100 items

Description: Masterclear®, Microplate seal, Adhesive film/foil/tape (96/384 wells), Single sheet/mat/strip, Real-time PCR film, self-adhesive, PCR clean, Masterclear® real-time PCR film, self adhesive; Optimised for maximum light transmission, Non sterile
Catalog Number: 713-0019
UOM: 1 * 100 items

Environmentally Preferable

Description: —, Microplate seal, Heat sealing film/foil/tape (96/384 wells), Single sheet/mat/strip, PCR film, Heat sealing film; Long-term storage; protection against evaporation during PCR; allows sample monitoring; suitable for fluorescence meaasurements, PP, Non-pierceable
Catalog Number: 613-3768
UOM: 1 * 100 items

Description: —, Microplate seal, Heat sealing film/foil/tape (96/384 wells), Single sheet/mat/strip, PCR foil, Heat sealing foil; Long-term storage; protection against evaporation during PCR; easily pierced by Pipette tips; can be removed from plate, Aluminium, Pierceable
Catalog Number: 613-3769
UOM: 1 * 100 items

Description: VWR® One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
Catalog Number: 73212-0500
UOM: 1 * 500 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: VWR® One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
Catalog Number: 73212-1000
UOM: 1 * 1.000 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: VWR® One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
Catalog Number: 73212-2500
UOM: 1 * 2.500 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: VWR® One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
Catalog Number: 73212-0100
UOM: 1 * 100 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: VWR® Probe qPCR Master Mix
Catalog Number: 73122-1000
UOM: 1 * 1.000 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals


Description: VWR® Probe qPCR Master Mix
Catalog Number: 73122-2500
UOM: 1 * 2.500 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals


Description: VWR® Probe qPCR Master Mix
Catalog Number: 73122-0500
UOM: 1 * 500 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: VWR® Probe qPCR Master Mix
Catalog Number: 73122-0100
UOM: 1 * 100 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: VWR® qPCR Master Mix
Catalog Number: 73112-0500
UOM: 1 * 500 Assays
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

49 - 64 of 35 068