Sample Preparation

Sample preparation can be both time-consuming and a main source of errors, having a major impact on the result of any analytical method and the purity of the sample prior to further analysis. So choosing the proper sample preparation technique is critical and must be selected to ensure a reliable downstream analysis.
VWR offer an extensive range of chemicals, consumables and equipment to assist you in all your sample preparation requirements, either from our own VWR Collection range or a top brand supplier.
Product selection

Lab Notebook
Note it! A variety of tools for the lab...

Water Purification
A range of water purification systems ideal for the microbiology laboratory...

Liquid Handling
Avantor offers a wide range of liquid handling solutions via high quality, extensive product lines such as disposable serological pipets, robotic tips suitable for robotic instruments and pipet and micropipette tips.

VWR offers a wide range of furnaces suitable for ashing as well as general purpose heat treatment applications...

Mixing, Homogenising, Blending etc.
Sample reduction for crushing, mixing, homogenising and dispersing products from leading brands...

Lab Blenders, Bags & Straw Pipettes
VWR offers a great range of lab blenders for the food laboratory...

We offer microcentrifuges and bench centrifuges, refrigerated and ambient, from all market leading suppliers...

Dissolved foodstuffs are often very difficult to filter due to the amount of relatively large particulate material present in the solution...

A large range of laboratory balances, stainless steel and IP 67 scales. ..