Single-Use Technology in Cell and Gene Therapies


Single-use technology (SUT) in cell and gene therapies has the transformative potential to revolutionize the treatment of various diseases. These therapies harness the power of cellular and genetic engineering to target and repair the underlying causes of diseases at a molecular level. SUT provides sterile and efficient systems for cell expansion, gene delivery and purification processes.

With improved sterility, flexibility and cost-effectiveness, this technology accelerates research and development efforts, making advanced cell and gene therapies more accessible to patients worldwide. As a result, single-use technology holds the key to a future where patients can benefit from groundbreaking treatments tailored to their unique genetic makeup and medical needs.

The need for single-use technology in cell and gene therapies

It is vital to adopt single-use technology in the field of cell and gene therapies for two fundamental aspects. First, the technology addresses contamination concerns and ensures high-quality products by minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. Second, the technology offers unparalleled cost-effectiveness and scalability, streamlining production processes and reducing expenses related to reusable equipment.

Contamination Concerns and Quality Assurance

With significant advancements in the field of cell and gene therapies, it’s necessary to maintain sterility to ensure patient safety and the success of these treatments. Reusable equipment poses inherent contamination risks, which can compromise the therapeutic product’s integrity and potentially impact the patient’s health.

Contamination can occur in various ways, including residual biological material, inadequate cleaning or failure to sterilize reusable components properly. Even minute traces of contaminants can have significant consequences in cell and gene therapies, where precision and consistency are critical for therapeutic efficacy.

To address these contamination concerns, single-use technology has emerged as a game-changer. Single-use systems significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamination, as they are designed for one-time use and eliminate the need for extensive cleaning and sterilization procedures. Each process utilizing fresh and sterile components minimizes the chance of introducing contaminants, ensuring product integrity and patient safety.

Furthermore, the technology offers a closed-system approach and prevents external exposure while minimizing the potential for contamination during handling and transport. With SUT, the cell and gene therapy industry can enhance quality assurance, streamline manufacturing processes and elevate patient care.

Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability

Single-use technology has revolutionized the production processes of cell and gene therapies and has provided a transformative solution for cost-effectiveness and scalability challenges. Traditional manufacturing methods using reusable equipment can be labor-intensive and resource-demanding, leading to high production costs. This, in turn, increases the cost of treatments the patients undergo.

The technology offers an efficient alternative by simplifying operations, reducing the need for extensive cleaning and validation procedures and accelerating the production timeline. This streamlined approach not only decreases manufacturing costs but also expedites the delivery of therapies. The approach also benefits patients by making these treatments more accessible and potentially more affordable.

Moreover, the technology enables unparalleled scalability in the cell and gene therapy industry. Unlike fixed infrastructure in traditional facilities, single-use systems can be easily adapted to various production scales, from small batches for early-stage research to large-scale commercial manufacturing. This flexibility allows for a more agile response to changing demands, reducing the time and financial investments required to expand production capacity.

As a result, SUT facilitates wider patient access to these groundbreaking therapies, even in regions where building and maintaining large-scale manufacturing facilities may be challenging or cost-prohibitive.

Applications of single-use technology in cell therapy

Single-use technology is extensively applicable in the field of cell therapy to revolutionize various aspects of the treatment process. From cell expansion and culture to cell harvesting and purification, single-use solutions systems offer significant advantages. They provide a sterile environment that helps mitigate contamination risks and ensures the consistent production of high-quality therapeutic cells.

For example, single-use bioreactors and culture systems enable flexible and scalable manufacturing and allow researchers to optimize production for different cell types and treatment approaches. On the other hand, single-use filtration and purification systems efficiently remove impurities, which helps enhance the purity and safety of the final cellular products.

Bioreactors and Culture Systems

Bioreactors are controlled environments used in biotechnology to cultivate and manipulate microorganisms, cells or biological molecules. Bioreactors and culture systems have emerged as indispensable tools that are essential in nurturing, expanding and maintaining cells in cellular therapies and regenerative medicine. Among these, single-use bioreactors have been particularly transformative by offering a sterile and user-friendly environment for cell cultivation.

They serve as biologically controlled vessels where scientists and researchers can cultivate cells with an unprecedented level of accuracy and consistency. Concerning therapeutic applications, these systems are instrumental in producing a diverse array of cell-based products, such as vaccines, gene therapies and regenerative medicine treatments.

Single-use bioreactors streamline cell expansion, differentiation and maintenance for therapeutic purposes by offering a sterile and disposable environment. They eliminate the need for time-consuming cleaning and sterilization, which reduces contamination risks and production downtime. Their flexible design accommodates various cell types and scales, allowing for efficient process optimization.

These bioreactors also precisely control key parameters like temperature, pH, and oxygen, ensuring optimal growth conditions. This accelerates the production of therapeutic cells while preserving their essential characteristics. Additionally, single-use systems are cost-effective, making them ideal for producing personalized therapies and reducing overall production costs in the biopharmaceutical industry.

As cellular therapies continue to push boundaries and open up new frontiers in medicine, it’s safe to say that bioreactors and culture systems will be instrumental in propelling innovation and progress in this groundbreaking field.

Filtering Systems for Purification

Filtration systems are mechanical or chemical devices used to separate solid particles, impurities or contaminants from a fluid (liquid or gas) by passing the fluid through a porous medium. These systems are important in cellular product manufacturing to ensure purity and safety. This robust filtration process effectively rids cellular products of particulate matter, microorganisms and other undesirable elements that could compromise their integrity and safety.

In recent times, single-use filtration systems have emerged as effective measures for purification procedures. Traditional filtration systems come burdened with intricate cleaning and sterilization protocols, which not only consume valuable time but also carry the risk of introducing contaminants. Single-use filtration systems offer a multitude of advantages, one of them being convenience, scalability and a significantly reduced risk of cross-contamination. These systems eliminate the need for extensive cleaning and sterilization, streamlining the production process and conserving precious time and resources.

Moreover, single-use filtration systems exhibit remarkable adaptability, permitting seamless scale-up or scale-down operations. These systems are enhancing purification technology by propelling efficiency and quality to the forefront of cellular product manufacturing.

Applications of single-use technology in gene therapy

Single-use technology is an essential asset with an array of versatile applications. Its significance is highlighted in the critical processes of producing and purifying viral vectors, which serve as the fundamental vehicles for delivering therapeutic genes. Single-use systems play a central role in elevating the levels of sterility assurance, ultimately guaranteeing the secure and effective transportation of genetic material to the intended target cells. This level of assurance is vital for the successful implementation of gene therapy treatments.

The technology also streamlines plasmid DNA manufacturing, simplifying the production processes and minimizing contamination risks. Owing to its flexibility and scalability, the technology can allow researchers to adapt to different gene therapy approaches easily, facilitating efficient research and development efforts.

Viral Vector Production Platforms

Single-use technology can help efficiently produce, purify and characterize viral vectors in gene therapy delivery systems. Viral vectors are essential tools for delivering therapeutic genes to target cells and tissues, but their production can be complex and labor-intensive. Single-use platforms offer significant advantages, starting with flexibility.

Researchers and manufacturers can easily switch between different viral vector types, production scales and processes without extensive cleaning and validation. This saves time and resources in the development phase, as they can simply discard the disposable components to reduce the downtime and costs associated with cleaning.

Additionally, single-use systems provide scalability and allow the rapid expansion of production capacity by allowing researchers to easily add or scale up bioreactors and other disposable components as needed. This flexibility reduces the lead time required for building and validating new production facilities and meets the growing demand for gene therapies.

Another critical advantage of the technology is sterility. Viral vector production requires strict aseptic conditions to prevent contamination and maintain product integrity. Single-use platforms offer a closed-system approach that minimizes the risk of microbial contamination during production.

As a result, the final viral vectors are of high quality and purity. By streamlining viral vector production, SUT accelerates gene therapy research and development, supporting advancements in the field and bringing novel treatments to patients in need.

Plasmid DNA Manufacturing Processes

Single-use technology simplifies the plasmid DNA production for gene therapy by providing a sterile and disposable environment that eliminates the need for extensive cleaning and validation processes associated with traditional systems. This streamlines production workflows, reduces the risk of contamination and accelerates the manufacturing process to ensure product purity and enhance process efficiency. Plasmid DNA is a fundamental component of gene therapy that is used to deliver therapeutic genes into target cells.

Using closed systems in the technology reduces contamination risks by eliminating the need for extensive cleaning and sterilization procedures between batches. This closed approach maintains the integrity of plasmid DNA and minimizes the risk of cross-contamination, ensuring that each product batch is of consistent quality.

Single-use technology streamlines plasmid DNA manufacturing processes by offering flexibility and scalability through its modular and disposable components. This is possible because single-use systems allow researchers and manufacturers to easily adjust production scales and configurations without the need for extensive cleaning and validation, saving time and resources.

Components such as single-use bioreactors and disposable tubing sets can be added or removed as needed, making it feasible to adapt to the changing production requirements. This, in turn, enhances efficiency and reduces lead times in plasmid DNA manufacturing for gene therapy.

Additionally, the closed and sterile environment offered by the technology helps preserve the stability and potency of plasmid DNA, which is crucial for the success and safety of gene therapy applications. By supporting the efficient and high-quality production of plasmid DNA, single-use technology plays a critical role in advancing gene therapies, opening doors to innovative treatments that can potentially transform the lives of patients.

Advantages and limitations of single-use technology in cell and gene therapies

Single-use technology enhances sterility assurance, mitigating contamination risks and ensuring the purity and safety of therapeutic products. Its flexibility allows seamless adaptation to different cell lines, gene therapy approaches and production scales, accelerating research and development efforts.

Moreover, single-use systems streamline cell and gene manufacturing processes and reduce expenses related to cleaning, validation and downtime, making cell and gene therapies more cost-effective and accessible. However, there are limitations that require attention, such as environmental concerns regarding increased waste generation and disposal.


Single-use technology can significantly enhance cell and gene therapies to revolutionize how these advanced treatments are developed and delivered to patients. The technology’s key advantages in cell and gene therapies include improved sterility assurance, enhanced flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Improved Sterility Assurance

Single-use systems can improve sterility assurance, as contamination risks in cell and gene therapies can be detrimental to the success and safety of treatments. The technology eliminates the need for extensive cleaning and sterilization processes associated with reusable equipment, further reducing the likelihood of cross-contamination between different batches.

Each use of a single-use system provides a fresh and sterile environment. This ensures the integrity and purity of therapeutic products, which is of paramount importance in precision medicine, where even minute contaminants can impact significantly.

Enhanced Flexibility

These systems also offer unparalleled flexibility and help foster versatility in research and development. Researchers and manufacturers can readily switch between different cell lines, gene therapy approaches and production scales without requiring complex reconfiguration or adjustments.

This adaptability helps optimize the production processes and facilitates faster exploration of various therapeutic strategies. The ease with which single-use systems can be adjusted allows for faster responses to changing research needs and evolving patient requirements. This speeds up the progress of cell and gene therapies.


Adopting single-use technology can be cost-effective throughout the cell and gene therapy production lifecycle. Traditional reusable equipment entails substantial expenses related to cleaning, validation and downtime between batches, which can accumulate over time. Single-use systems eliminate these expenses, streamline operations and reduce overall production costs.

Additionally, the scalability of SUT helps manufacturers expand production capacity as needed without heavy capital investments in larger fixed infrastructure. By optimizing resource utilization and minimizing production overheads, single-use technology contributes to making cell and gene therapies more economically viable and accessible to a broader patient population.


While single-use technology brings significant advantages to cell and gene therapies, there are certain limitations that require thoughtful consideration for optimizing its efficacy and sustainability. It is important to address these limitations to maximize their positive impact on cell and gene therapies.

Environmental Impact

One primary concern with SUT is its potential environmental impact. The increased utilization of disposable materials in single-use systems can lead to a rise in waste generation and disposal. That’s why proper management of the disposal of single-use components is important to minimize the environmental footprint of cell and gene therapy production.

This is done by developing sustainable practices, such as recycling or using biodegradable materials, that can help address these concerns. Striking a balance between the benefits of SUT in contamination control and its environmental impact is critical to ensuring that the advancements in cell and gene therapies align with long-term sustainability goals.

Long-Term Durability

While single-use components offer convenience and sterility benefits, it’s important to improve the long-term durability of these materials to reduce failure rates. Rigorous testing and research into novel materials can lead to the development of more robust and reliable single-use systems, enhancing their effectiveness in cell and gene therapy applications. By investing in research and development, the industry can address concerns related to material integrity, ensure better process control and bolster the overall reliability of single-use technology.

Future perspectives and research directions

Single-use technology in cell and gene therapies holds immense promise in the future due to their ability to reduce contamination risks, enhance flexibility and accelerate bioprocessing in industries like biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy. Researchers and industry professionals are actively exploring novel approaches and innovations to optimize single-use systems for improved performance and broader applications in the field.

One of the main areas of research is centered around enhancing the efficacy of single-use technology. To achieve this, researchers are diligently refining manufacturing processes to ensure consistency and reproducibility in therapeutic product production. By optimizing material properties, they aim to improve the long-term durability of single-use components, which will minimize failure rates and enhance their reliability during critical manufacturing steps.

Scalability is another crucial aspect of future research. As the demand for cell and gene therapies continues to rise, researchers are exploring ways to increase the scalability of single-use systems to accommodate large-scale production requirements. This involves developing flexible and adaptable systems that can seamlessly transition from research and development to commercial manufacturing without compromising product quality. By improving scalability, SUT can meet the growing need for advanced therapies and contribute to wider patient access worldwide.

Moreover, sustainability is a key concern for future developments in SUT. Researchers are actively investigating environmentally friendly alternatives to disposable materials and exploring biodegradable or recyclable components to reduce waste generation and disposal challenges. By integrating sustainable practices into the design and production of single-use systems, the cell and gene therapy industry can align itself with global efforts to minimize its environmental footprint.


In conclusion, single-use technology holds immense importance in the field of cell and gene therapies, revolutionizing the treatment landscape for various diseases. Its diverse applications enable efficient cell expansion, gene delivery and purification processes.

Single-use technology can help deal with contamination concerns, improve sterility assurance, ensure cost-effectiveness and enhance scalability in production. While the advantages of SUT are evident, addressing limitations such as environmental impact can go a long way to maintain efficacy and sustainability. Ongoing research efforts are focused on enhancing this technology, paving the way for a promising future where patients can benefit from advanced, accessible and personalized therapies.

You can learn more about cell and gene therapy at Avantor to explore the latest advancements in this transformative field. The single-use solutions by Avantor are instrumental in unlocking the potential of cell and gene therapies. They serve as a catalyst for the transformation from traditional therapeutic approaches to cutting-edge strategies.