You Searched For: Cell Culture Plates
485 results were found
Microscopy Microscopy is a technique used in many disciplines. Avantor has extensive knowledge in microscopy offering a full range of products from the most basic of microscopes to sophisticated models cold light sources image recording systems no...
PanReac Applichem Decontamination
PanReac Applichem Decontamination Decontamination and Control Reagents It is important to work clean as contamination is very frustrating for the scientist and in the end also very expensive. PanReac AppliChem offers a variety of products for prev...
@@NUMMER 8090145@@
@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit II Kit for Mycoplasma detection by conventional PCR Product code A8994 Description PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit II is designed to detect the presence of mycoplasma contamination in biological materials such ...
Cell and Gene Therapy Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies
Cell and Gene Therapy Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies Gene and cell therapy have emerged as groundbreaking methods for treating diverse diseases through genetic engineering and/or cellular reprogramming. Various gene and cell therapy mechani...
2017_RF_SpecSheet__v012.indd PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Sterile Filtration Thermo Scientifi c Nalgene Rapid-Flow PES Filter Units and Bottle Tops Superior fl ow rates reduce downtime for cell culture applications Figure 3 NALGENE RAPID-FLOW IS FASTER ...
Omega Bio-tek High Throughput DNA Purification and Automation
Omega Bio-tek High Throughput DNA Purification and Automation DNA Purification and Automation Circulating cell-free DNA isolation Plant genomic DNA isolation Blood and tissue genomic DNA isolation Automated solutions for Nucleic Acid Purification ...
Bioprocessing Facility Support
Bioprocessing Facility Support Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us An Avantor Services Bioprocessing Specialist can help you tap the productivity of your discovery PD or production suites by reducing the b...
Masterflex webinars
Masterflex webinars How to Increase Productivity with Single-Use Fluidic Systems: Fundamentals for Biopharmaceutical Applications This webinar focuses on drugs and therapeutics production and the need for improved efficiency and the challenges pre...
Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows
Optimizing your buffer reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows The adoption of hydrated premade liquid buffers reagents and cell culture media can save you time resources and money. Different strategies for solutions prepar...
Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide
solid phase techniques Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide H H NNHHHHH CCC H C HH 3 H 3 C SSS N H NN H N HHH 222 OO N HHH 2222 O OOOO OO H C H C H C H C 33 HHHH an introduction to H H N H CH 3 H 3 C S NH 2 NH 2 O NH 2 O H O O O O H CH 3 H Surface ...
Avantor Seradigm
Avantor Seradigm Seradigm Hero Spot Cell culture experts everywhere are discovering how well their cells thrive on nutritionally superior sera from Avantor Seradigm. Seradigm’s unique collection and manufacturing techniques preserve more of the na...
Single-Use Technology in Cell and Gene Therapies
Single-Use Technology in Cell and Gene Therapies Single-use technology (SUT) in cell and gene therapies has the transformative potential to revolutionize the treatment of various diseases. These therapies harness the power of cellular and genetic ...
Nucleic Acid Purification
Nucleic Acid Purification Featured Solutions Omega Bio-tek Inc. offers high quality convenient and cost-effective products for nucleic acid purification. Learn more cfDNA kits Additional Resources Sample Request Application Note- cfDNA 8ml samplea...
Continued research
Continued research Moving your research forward relies on the right products and planning precisely when and where needed. Avantor is your complete resource for everything you need to ensure optimized research workflows – from consumables instrume...
Optimizing your buff
Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows The adoption of hydrated, premade liquid, buffers, reagents and cell culture media can save you time, resources and money. Different strategies for solutions p...
Phenotypic Characterization of Anti-Cancer Drug effects using Automated Imaging | Molecular Devices
Phenotypic Characterization of Anti-Cancer Drug effects using Automated Imaging | Molecular Devices Benefits • Relevance of compounds identified • Increased drug discovery success and productivity • Translational biomarkers for phenotypic screenin...
129 - 144 of 485