You Searched For: Dewars and Cryogenic Vessels
73 results were found
Thermo Scientific Automated Sample Storage Resource Guide proven solutions to preserve samples Sample storage at cryogenic and extremely low temperatures provides security for biological specimens and derivatives of those specimens genomic materia...
J.T.Baker® Robotic Tips & Plates
J.T.Baker® Robotic Tips Carousel J.T.Baker® Robotic Tips & Plates J.T.Baker® premium robotic tips and plates are accessories used for automated liquid handling. They are designed for use with the most popular third party robotic workstations. Robo...
Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications
Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications Properties inherent to peristaltic pumps and features designed into Masterflex® digital pump drives make these pumps ideal for laboratory and process dispensing applications. Accuracies in the ra...
Monoclonal Antibody Production Processes
Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing Processes The monoclonal antibody manufacturing process plays an important role in producing therapeutic antibodies widely used in treating diseases such as cancer autoimmune disorders and other infectious disease...
Multichannel Peristaltic Pumps Advantages | Avantor
Multiple-Channel Peristaltic Pumps and Their Advantages Peristaltic pumps are invaluable to many industries from medicine and pharmaceuticals to environmental protection. Because a single drive mechanism can pump several fluid streams simultaneous...
Single-Use Technology in Cell and Gene Therapies
Single-Use Technology in Cell and Gene Therapies Single-use technology (SUT) in cell and gene therapies has the transformative potential to revolutionize the treatment of various diseases. These therapies harness the power of cellular and genetic ...
cmm_catalog_title_150304.indd Complete Monograph Methods Solutions for regulated Pharmaceutical Instrumental Analysis Methods with HPLC FTIR KF AAS and ICP 2015 -1 Merck Millipore is a division of Content Molecular Structures 3 Applications Index ...
Strategies for Optimizing Downstream Processing
Strategies for Optimizing Downstream Processing Downstream processing is vital for efficient and cost-effective production of biopharmaceuticals industrial enzymes and other bio-based products. Downstream processing refers to purifying separating ...
Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide
solid phase techniques Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide H H NNHHHHH CCC H C HH 3 H 3 C SSS N H NN H N HHH 222 OO N HHH 2222 O OOOO OO H C H C H C H C 33 HHHH an introduction to H H N H CH 3 H 3 C S NH 2 NH 2 O NH 2 O H O O O O H CH 3 H Surface ...
65 - 73 of 73