You Searched For: Flame Photometers
37 results were found
Spectrophotometers Spectrophotometers are widely used in many research QC and pharmaceutical labs for applications within chemistry biochemistry life science water analysis plus food and beverage. Our products offer quality and great value for mon...
Colorimetry/Photometry VWR offers a large choice of systems to measure the different elements of water: test strips visual kits portable colorimeters and photometers bench photometers and spectrophotometers. Product selection Reflectometry A broad...
Photometers & Spectrophotometers
Photometers & Spectrophotometers VWR offers a large choice of systems to measure the different elements of water: Test strips visual kits portable colorimeters and photometers bench photometers and spectrophotometers. Please click below for additi...
Protein, Enzyme and Fibre Kits
Protein Enzyme and Fibre Kits From the checking of rancidity in cooking oils to the content of fats in food with the soxhlet method VWR offer a solution. Product selection Test Kits Rapid test kits for the preparation and subsequent quantitative d...
Colorimetry/Photometry VWR offers a large choice of systems to measure the different elements of water: Test strips visual kits portable colorimeters and photometers bench photometers and spectrophotometers. Spectrophotometry UV VIS Spectrophotome...
Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is the amount of carbon bound in an organic compound and is often used as a non-specific indicator of water quality. The rapid method of TOC determination by colorimetric method makes this an e...
HowPerformQuantitative_ELISA_v005.indd Application Note Performing a Quantitative ELISA Assay to Detect Human IL-6 with Thermo Scientifi c™ Multiskan™ FC Microplate Photometer and Thermo Scientifi c™ Wellwash™ Versa Microplate Washer Key Words Hum...
DuPont™ ProShield® products
DuPont™ ProShield® products Constructed with a soft fabric and excellent breathability ProShield® coveralls from DuPont help protect against non-hazardous particles and light liquid splash. Learn more Proshield® 20 Based on SMS technology breathab...
Multiskan FC Brochure
User convenience in photometric applications Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC Microplate Photometer Thermo ScientificTM MultiskanTM FC – Filter-based Microplate Photometer for Research and Routine Applications The Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC micr...
Plate Reader
Plate Reader Featured Solutions Modern cell biology requires a wide variety of applications to keep up with the numerous exciting directions that research takes us. Detection technologies ranging from fluorescence to cellular imaging have become c...
Advanced Battery Science - Personal Protective Equipment & Safety
Advanced Battery Science - Personal Protective Equipment & Safety Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Avantor offers a broad range of Personal Protective Equipment to protect the operator when researching manuf...
Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis
Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis Featured Solutions VWR peqGOLD electrophoresis reagents for DNA analysis. Agarose DNA ladders Additional Resources VWR products for electrophoresis catalogue VWR horizontal electrophoresis chambers for fast and accurat...
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analysis
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analysis The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of water is determined by dichromate method after digestion. VWR offers 2 solutions to measure COD: Rapid method Official method COD Rapid Method Merck COD Rapid Method Merck A...
Food & Beverage Analysis
Food & Beverage Analysis Quality control of your food or beverage product is essential to guarantee a tasty product that is safe for consumption. Different types of analysis can be necessary such as microbiological tests testing of physical proper...
Physical hazards
Physical hazards PROTECTION AGAINST EVERY DAY LAB HAZARDS Lab scientists are often exposed to a variety of chemical and physical hazards putting them at risk of personal injury and lost productivity. Ansell’s broad range of chemical and mechanical...
Quantus Garments
Quantus Garments Based on our longterm experience we have developed further fabrics providing different characteristics (for specific cleanroom applications with splash guard flame protection cut resistance ESD properties etc.). Please ask which m...
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