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You Searched For: Optical Filters

244  results were found

Destroying lives in a HPLC lab near you!

Destroying lives in a HPLC lab near you! Barry Backpressure injures Theodore Thumb HPLC sample preparations can wreak havoc on the poor thumbs of your staff. Without optimizing this - it is Theodore who suffers! Filtering dirty samples can often b...

SpectroLink™: Streamline your spectrophotometer workflow and save valuable time and thousands of Euros on new equipment

SpectroLink™: Streamline your spectrophotometer workflow and save valuable time and thousands of Euros on new equipment Webinar Tuesday 16th May 2023 10:00 to 11:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certific...

Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 20 96

0 1 2 3 4 5 Nunc Edge 2.0 Standard 96-well A ve ra g e d if fe re n ce ( % ) % Difference - edge wells vs. centre wells 24 VWR I VWRbioMarke Issue 38 I May 2018 PROTOCOL Nunc Edge 2.0 96-well plates Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 2.0 ...

See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars

See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars Barry Backpressure beaten back Pall Acrodisc® PSF wwPTFE syringe filters have been shown to extend column life by over 40X with no significant increases in backpressure. saving on column re...

Eyewear Selection Poster

Selecting the correct eyewear Understanding lens tints is critical in matching the appropriate safety eyewear with the environment. Amber lens • Filters blue and purple light • Provides contrast enhancement > Shooting > Working in hazy or overcast...

VWR Controlled Environment and Safety Application notes library

VWR Controlled Environment and Safety Application notes library No matter if you are working in cleanroom production health and safety quality assurance or any other production related area our aim is to support you. Find a lot of application know...

Chemicals & Chromatography Promotions

Chemicals & Chromatography Promotions To see your promotional prices make sure you log in to your web shop account. Select your workflow area of interest or product type and apply respective filters offered on the left to narrow down the number of...

Electrochemistry Products

Electrochemistry Products Avantor Electrochemistry Avantor has a comprehensive assortment of meters probes accessories and chemicals that analysts in your lab need to measure pH conductivity or perform titrations using electrochemical techniques. ...

VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices

VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices Innovative bottle-top filters can fill multiple bottles with one device Ability to process 100 mL to 5L volumes into multiple aliquots Reduces storage space and waste Environmen...

Liquid Chromatography - Sample Preparation

Liquid Chromatography - Sample Preparation Sample preparation is key but often overlooked step in the chromatography process. Every sample is unique and what works for one preparation may not work as well for another. That’s why Avantor offers a c...

Counting Cells with the Transmitted Light Analysis Module in MetaXpress | Molecular Devices

Counting Cells with the Transmitted Light Analysis Module in MetaXpress | Molecular Devices Benefits • Segment and count objects using transmitted light imaging • Monitor cell proliferation in transmitted light • Assess the effects of TL Cell Segm...

3M Solutions - Respiratory

3M Solutions - Respiratory Respiratory Science driven innovation helping to provide comfort fit and protection 3M offers you the widest range of disposable reusable and powered & supplied air respirators for the widest range of industrial and othe...

Automation Tips for Liquid Handling Systems

Automation Tips for Liquid Handling Systems With hundreds of Thermo Scientific™ automation tips designed to fit over 50 workstations and pipetting head variations we're certain you will find tips that increase efficiency through accurate and preci...

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers Masterflex® Pumps and Pump Tubing... MLFX96403-15 Q: How is Masterflex® pump tubing different from nominal/non-pump tubing? A: Masterflex pump tubing is manufactured to the exact dimensions of Masterflex tu...

HPLC Testing Equipment

HPLC Testing Equipment When researchers uncover scientific advances utilizing analytical chemistry having the right equipment is pertinent for dependable results. HPLC testing requires specialized equipment that is compatible with your analyte. To...

Precise measuring tools

Precise measuring tools Whether you’re working in a research laboratory hospital or electronics facility VWR offers the right tools for your accuracy needs – with the added choice of calibration services! Consider our VWR pipettes available as man...
81 - 96 of 244